Owner - Lex Luthor -Ruthless and will pull out all the stops to win
Head Coach - Mr Terrific -JSA leader and Rooney Rule. 
Offensive Coordinator - The Oracle - First woman OC.
Quarterback – The Batman - The Dark Knight can also pass and throw. Think of Peyton Manning in his Prime.

Running Back – Orion -They play ball on Apokolips.
Full Back - Timberwolf - He would travel back in time to play.
Tight End - Cyborg - A great athlete, but a little fragile.
Wide Receiver – Flash - The Fastest Man Alive can outrun everybody
Wide Receiver - Hal Jordan Green Lantern. Loves to Trash talk
Center – Superman - Has to be the Centerpiece
Right Guard – Atom Smasher - Perfect Lineman
Left Guard – Shazam - Blocks like a god
Left Tackle – Martian Manhunter - Can Shape change to stop pass rushers
Right Tackle – Steele - The "D" in DC stands for Diversity
Defensive Coordinator - Brainiac
Left Defensive Tackle - Solomon Grundy - A southern zombie
Left End - Killer Croc - Ugly and stinks like old sweat socks dipped in pickle juice
Right End - Gorilla Grodd - Smartest Defensive Lineman ever. Strong as Hell too
Right Defensive Tackle- Major Force Talks trash and follows assignments. Think of the Boz

Left Outside Linebacker - Black Adam - The Egyptian Wizards knows some tricks
Middle Linebacker - Ares - God of War
Right Outside Linebacker - General Zod - Plays dirty
Strong Safety: Black Green Lantern - He knows how to back up someone
Left Cornerback: Sinestro . Mr Pink
Right Cornerback : Professor Zoom -Reverse Flash. Took other teams playbook from the 25th Century
Free Safety: Captain Atom. Can cover the field.
What team would win Dc or Marvel ?
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