I was thinking about putting
GoT and 2016 President election
Donald Trump = Ramsay Bolton. Legitimized Bastard of the Republican Party. He skinned his enemies to be on top.

Hillary Clinton= Cersei Lannister. Former Queen (First Lady) of the Free world. She now wants to be in charge. She is ruthless, phony, and will have you gutted by one of her flunkies. She hates President Obama on the molecular level.
Senator Bernie Sanders = Jon Snow. Bastard of the Democratic Party. You can't kill him. He just keeps coming back.
Senator Ted Cruz and Governor John Kasich = Hodor - Pack Elephant for Republican party 
Dr. Ben Carson= Theon Greyjoy. Swinging Dick with a big mouth . Betrayed his people and made a Eunuch peon by Trump.

The Starks = The Kennedys Ned = JFK, Robb = JFK jr.
The Iron Bank = The Coke Brothers/ Special interest groups
Karl Rove - the Red woman. Full of bad advice and opinions. He still believes Romney won in 2012.
Karl Rove - the Red woman. Full of bad advice and opinions. He still believes Romney won in 2012.
Carly is Queen Margery - Margery only VP for
about a week
Margery a queen for about a week
Bill Clinton is Jaime L
Joe Biden is Tyrion -
Jeb Bush is Stannis Baratheon - Sacrificed everything to win the nomination. Started the campaign by only going by his first name. He was the punching bag at every debate. Then he went back to his family to get them to help him. It didn't help.
Big Hutch
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