Sunday, December 10, 2017
Jennifer Lawrence Lies
Dark Phoenix Press Junket
Even tho we are a full year away from the next.. and possibly last Fox controlled X-Men movie, the press is starting up for the X-Men: Dark Phoenix movie.
Jennifer Lawrence took her time on the press junket to complain about her time playing Mystique. She complained of the make up and that she was going to be done with the X-Franchise after X-Men: Apocalypse.
But the part that she left out was- many of her movies since that time have failed to live up to box office expectations. Both Passengers and Mother were box office bombs and nothing says comeback like getting a big fat check from a movie and studio desperate for stars. Lawrence plays it off that her good friend became the director and she wanted to come back for the fans. Bish please! No true X-Men movie fans cares a shit if she is in the movies; on top of the fact that Mystique has nothing to do with the source material. Her character has been a plague since she became a star and I have no doubt that will continue with Dark Phoenix.
This is just another strike against Fox and this movie for me! The sooner Disney has control of the X-Men universe the better!
Hard pass from me!
The Producer
Friday, November 24, 2017
The Comic Book Show Season 1
The Comic Book Show Season 1 presented by Brothascomics walks you through Marvel Legacy and takes a trip to Genosha and the Inferno for our throwback Thursday X-Men podcast.
Join The Sandman, The Producer, and Brother Beavis as we discuss comics and have a little fun while doing it!
The Comic Book Show
Podcast also on Apple Podcast and Stitcher. Just search @brothascomics
This Week in the Association
Brothascomics has our NBA recap show. The show is hosted by the Producer from brothascomics and Will Stacks
We record weekly and you can catch up here.
Podcast is also available on ApplePodcast and Stitcher... just search @brothascomics
Trailers Before Justice League
My review for Justice League is coming soon, but before that, lets look at the trailers for the movies that ran before Justice League began!
My local theater is a Regal Cinema and for some reason, we constantly get scary or action movie trailers- even before kid-fare such as Justice League! So without further ado
The Greatest Showman
Hugh Jackman looks to his post Wolverine career in this musical/ bio picture about PT Barnum and his circus. The movie also stars Zendaya and that dude from high school musical. Jackman's non Wolverine roles over the past few years have been way more misses than hits and musicals are a hard sale no matter what! I am sure I will see this because my wife loves Jackman, but she gonna need to pay for this one herself. Hard pass from me( with my money at least)
Disney/Pixar jumps back into the game with Coco... a movie about Hispanic culture written, directed, and voiced by people of Hispanic origins( amazing). The movie looks beautiful and its message of finding yourself and being yourself should be able to reach and teach across all cultural barriers. I am really looking forward to seeing this movie and probably will have seen it by time this article posts.
As someone who actually played the video game in an actual arcade( google it), when I heard they were making the game into a movie, I laughed my ass off because I thought people were joking. Well, never joke when the Rock is involved! I love the Rock the wrestler and I can deal with the Rock the actor... but this is too much and Rock is getting very close to jumping the shark on his career. Between this and Baywatch, and a Jumanji sequel that no one asked for, The Rock needs to be careful he doesn't lose trust in the people who support his stuff( see Adam Sandler). Hard pass from me!
A Quiet Place
This was one of the creepiest movie trailers I have ever seen. For some reason a family that looks happy and white out in the country cannot make a sound because if they do, something/someone is gonna come and kill them. It stars that dude from the Office and some annoying ass kids who steady be getting adults killed with they noise making asses! Hard Pass from me! Ya'll know I don't efff with horror movies!
The Commuter
Its Taken on a train, ya'll. When will people just leave Liam Neeson and his family the hell alone? Don't ya'll no already he don't play that shit and will exact old man vengeance on your ass? Movie looks interesting but the concept is played out! Hard Pass from me!
Black Panther
So much will be said about this movie on this blog over the nest few months... to say I am excited is an understatement! To see this trailer on the big screen was such a thrilling moment... far surpassing seeing it on my phone or my tablet. The movie looks stunning! And all these Black people! I am praying the movie is not just good, but great and sets up future sequels. Gonna see it opening night and take the day off from work to talk about it all day on-line!
The Producer
Superman wants a Superman Movie
As the deconstruction of Justice League continues, one of the consistent positive themes coming out of the movie is about the reintroduction of Superman. Forget the idea of how it happened and the CGI missing beard, most fans were happy to see a return of Superman that was all about hope and inspiration as opposed to the moody, emo killer that Zack Snyder gave us in Man of Steel and Batman V Superman.
Well guess what, we were not the only ones who long for a return of a Superman we can believe in. In an interview with The LA Times, Cavill indicated that he thinks its time to return to a Superman in all his color with a sense of hope and happiness.
I agree with him about this, but I am not sure if they can head back in that direction at this point. The images and the damage that was done to the Superman character through Man of Steel and Batman V Superman was severe and I am not sure if they can get back to hope with Kal-El. And even tho, Justice League did a good job of resetting the narrative, the movie has left a bad taste in fans mouths and a Man of Steel sequel at this time, to me, seems unheard of.
This is more proof positive to me that Zack Snyder should've never been placed in charge of Superman. He did not understand the character and what makes him popular with so many fans over all these years.
Word has it that Matthew Vaughn would be the director of a Man of Steel sequel. Whereas that does not do much to ease my feelings of uneasiness, its at least a step in a more hopeful direction for Superman. Let's see if WB executives have any Hope left in Superman!
The Producer
Comic Book Post Credit Scenes
Full Article can be found at GeeksofColor
Wolverine Returns
Wolverine is back... not Old Man Logan.... real Wolverine is back. This was teased in the Marvel Legacy One shot and now Marvel is going to let us know where Wolverine has been all this time since his death.
But in a bit of a curveball, instead of creating a mini-series about his return, Marvel will be telling this of Wolverine's return in the back pages of current comic books. Not unlike older comics used to have untold, in continuity stories in the back of their comic books.
Wolverine's return will be told in the pages of Captain America #697, Thor #703, and Spider-Man #794. These are being billed as " Post Credit Scenes" as a nod to Marvel Cinematic who has owned the game on teasing upcoming movies post credits.
I am not sure how I feel about this yet. I like Wolverine returning, but I would much rather read and pay for a Wolverine one shot instead of having to pay for 3 books to read this one story. Cool idea and concept but not sure if I'm down with it
The Producer
Franklin's Shouldn't Have Been There
We have all seen the above image over the last few years, right? Franklin at Charlie Browns house for Thanksgiving... and him having to eat all by himself on one side of the table. Hell, even Snoppy got to eat at the table with the white folks; although that shouldn't be that big of a surprise since white people tend to like their dogs more than Black people. But I digress...
And as jacked up as that image is, can we also talk about all the unbelievable shit that happened up to this point. Take out Pepper Mint Patty inviting herself over the day of Thanksgiving and then having the nerve to criticize the food. Take out that Snoopy- the damn dog- made all the damn food to begin with and Linus' sanitized prayer of colonization without genocide. Lets look past all of that and focus on Franklin.
First off, ain't no Black parent allowing they child to spend Thanksgiving outside they house and definitely not with some white family. This is literally unheard of! The idea of, " Can I go to my friends house" on a major ass Black holiday is unheard of with Black folks. The answer is no and gonna stay No for years to come so don't even ask.
Second, even if somehow Black Jesus granted you the Hall Pass to leave your family on Thanksgiving to go be with another (white) family, they for damn sure ain't gonna let you go to they house without a side dish or something. Franklin walked up in that house and dapped up Charlie Brown with nothing in his hands. Franklin's mom woulda sent him over there with a pie or cake she bought from the store or some potato chips, a pack of soda..... something. My mom's line woulda been something like, " You ain't going to them white people's house empty handed."
Lastly, if somehow Franklin got there, there is no way in hell he would be allowed to get a second trip in by going to Charlie Browns grandmothers house without calling first. They just pile up in the back of Charlie Brown's parents car without a call to make sure it was ok for Franklin to change locations. Black moms are always like, " You better call me if and when you leave to let me know where you going".
So yes, Franklin was ostracized at the dinner table, but truth be told, he shoulda never been there to begin with. He shoulda kept his Black ass home with his Black ass family!
The Producer
Zack Snyder's Son comes to Dad's Defense
There has been alot said about the Justice League movie and my review will be up at some point... I guess. There has been all kinds of hand wringing as to why the movie didn't perform at the box office... too much Snyder? Too less Snyder? Wheedon messing things up? CGI missing beards?
Well, we aren't the only ones who had something to say about Justice League. Zack Snyder's own son weighed in as well. See below the now deleted message
Full article can be read here from
Daddy tries to rescue son
First off, let me say that Warner Brothers has a very recent history of meddling into their super hero pictures. We have all heard the tales of Suicide Squad and their tinkering with the movie to the point where it was almost unrecognizable. And after the under performance of Batman V Superman, you can imagine WB executives were on edge to make sure they got a movie they hoped to exploit for at least a billion dollars. So I am sure, those executives had tons to say about the direction and tone of the movie.
All that said, Zack Snyder is a grown ass man and doesn't need his son out here fighting his battles for him. Zack Snyder has enough clout in Hollywood to be able to tell WB where to stick this movie and their franchise if they were messing too much with his vision. Granted, because of the tragic suicide of his child, he may not have been in that spot while the film was being made/finished, but he still needed to have some version of control of the editing process of a film he spent close to two years making. And if that version of the film was not up to his standard, he should've respectfully bowed out.
His son coming out and saying this is just a deflection from the movies performance at the box office. The same with the fans who started the on-line petition to see the Zack Snyder cut of the movie( just stop). If the movie had done well, none of these excuses would be popping up. And all of this really just leads to a fact that I been saying since we started brothascomics 2 years ago.... DC makes polarizing movies and sadly, they picked a director to lead their universe who also makes polarizing movies. It has not worked and will not work until Zack Snyder is removed from any and all film making decisions. He does not understand the characters he has been put in charge of- which leads to these weird version of characters who look like what we want but act and behave nothing like what we want.
I hope DC doesn't crater from this; although I have my doubts. Going full steam ahead with an Aquaman movie, along with Cyborg and Flash make me nervous as hell. Regardless, if those movies fail, I certainly hope we are not reading on-line posts from their kids how the movies didn't do well because "meddling"
The Producer
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
We Here: Baltimore Comic Con
This is part two of our coverage of Baltimore Comic Con. Brother Beavis held it down for the family portion of the show and you can read his experience here:
Brother Beavis at Baltimore Comic Con
I was able to attend Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon and wanted to drop in some of the pictures I took and speak of my time on the convention floor.
As brothascomics has always done, we aim to bring coverage to Black Nerds( Blerds) who have often been left out of comic book nerd culture or been shunned for their participation in it. Comic book culture often can be a gatekeeping culture and we aim to knock those gates down by highlighting cosplayers of color.
So check out some of our photos below and always allow your geek flag to fly no matter who you are!!
Cosplayers in Baltimore really showed up and showed out! So many dedicated nerds who have crafted a niche for themselves in nerd culture.
Beyond that, the con was outstanding! Baltimore Con, unlike many other cons, has a major focus on comics. There were many guests from the fields of entertainment related to nerd culture, but the real star of the show are the comics and the comic book creators. Such a talented roster of creators from the Big Two at DC and Marvel, but also many independent creators.
Overall, a great experience for myself and Brother Beavis. I look forward to making it back next year!
The Producer
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Sunday, October 1, 2017
Phoenix as a 2 Part Movie
Two Part Phoenix Story
News broke last week from Olivia Munn, that the new X-Men Phoenix Movie is going to be a two part movie? Werd? Really? First off, they not telling Olivia Munn too many secrets to the franchise. Her bit role in Apocalypse was easily forgotten and her even being in the next movie is a sad state of affairs. Secondly, X-Men movie producers have already stated that the movie is not going off world. So that means no Shi'ar, no Imperial Guard, and probably no Lilandra. If the movie is set on earth, going from Phoenix to Dark Phoenix is not gonna make
At the end of Apocalypse, Jean already has dispaled the power of the Phoenix. A story about where that power came from, would make sense and you could even use Magneto in this movie since Fasbender is already involved. You could maybe tie in the story of Mutant X, AKA Proteus on Muir Island. There is some potential there if you plan to stay on Earth.
But, if it stays on Earth and never even touches on the intergalactic portion of Phoenix and the Phoenix Force's threat to the galaxy, then its just another story- no different than the Last Stand. The X-Men movie franchise has been so dead set on not making their world/universe bigger to give the characters more depth. We keep getting fed the same people over and over- without letting any of the younger characters shine.
So, #FoxGonnaFox will continue. I have no real desire to see this movie at all and the fact they may drag it out over two movies makes me even sadder.
Thanks Fox
The Producer
Bootlegs and Def Comedy Jam 25 Review
In the days before being able to stream( steal) content from the Internet, the only way for you to see something that you didn't already pay for was to: Go to a friends house; or get a bootleg. Black folks in my hood are no stranger to bootlegs, or booters. I had several bootleg music tapes and movies growing up. Usually a young entrepreneur would be set up at the barbershop or on a random street corner with goods to sell at a discounted rated. You may get ganked and the Dana Dane tape you buy is a blank of the copy of Krush Groove was in Spanish... but that its the chance you take with buying booters. Its on some Forrest Gump shit... you really never know what you was gonna get!
However, as technology got better and brothas got a bit of money, things weren't such a crapshoot. My family ain't have HBO money tho, so whenever I wanted to see Wimbledon or anything that was HBO exclusive, I had to go to somebody house. Now when Def Comedy Jam came on in 1992, I was in college. In a white college, where finding booters was not a possibility. And since we was all broke, nobody had HBO. Shit you was flossin' if you actually had cable.
So I missed out on Def Jam for the most part. I'd hear people talking about it, but I had really never seen it. Then when I did come home, my moms ain't have HBO money so I was back looking for booters. When I finlly caught a good booter of Def Comedy Jam, I was kinda knocked backed. The language, the energy, the crowd losing they shit... it was like nothing I had ever seen before. You gotta remember, this part of the 90's was owned by Cosby, so to see Black folks embracing they culture this way was shocking in a sense. But funny! Like, really, pain in your guts funny. Like crying funny! Martin hosted it and the comics brung it! I was hooked for sure on the likes of comedians you just had never seen before.
So as time has gone by, many of those Def Jam comics went onto huge things from tv shows, movies... Def Jam spawned an empire of rich, Black comics. So, when I heard about Netflix doing a 25th anniversary show, I was with it. I really wanted to see what Earthquake and Hamburger was up to.
But you didn't really get that... I mean you did, but it was more retrospective on how the show came about and all the come ups that people received from the show. Martin, who was such a huge part of the success of the show, really only has a bit part, and much of the show focuses on some of the comedians who DIDN'T get a huge come up from the show. Even tho he came through with a video, Rock wasn't there and I am pretty sure Chris Tucker dont fuck with any of these niggas anymore.
Overall, it was ok! Some laughs here and there, but nothing major! And just FYI, don't book Dave Chappelle on any comedy show uness you want him to take it over. His pressence is that big right now! He outshines and eclipses anyone you attempt to put on stage with him and when he is not there, you can feel it!
So check it out!
The Producer
Marvel Legacy Review
Control-Atl-Delete.... for many of us older computer users, we know that sequence of buttons, pressed together, will restart your computer and get you back to the beginning to open up Windows or whatever operating system you use. Its helpful when your program gets stuck or wont respond properly and the restart or reboot, sets things back to "normal" so you can begin again.
Well, Marvel and DC for that matter love hitting Control- Alt- Delete with their comic book properties. In fact, its really become so mainstream now, comic book companies really build around their reboots as a way to get fans excited about a potential cross-over or new line of titles that will bring in new readers. Its bullshit! Old readers know this and even tho we keep falling for it, we fully recognize that Marvel and DC is just trying to line they pockets with money off the backs of their fans.
That being said, Marvel hits reboot again, with Marvel Legacy. The next step/chapter in the Marvel comic universe after Secret Empire. Marvel has been bragging about this being a "return to traditional heroes". What this really is- a return to white, traditional heroes. Marvel took a swing for the fences after Secret Wars 3 and gave non traditional heroes a chance to run the company. Traditional white heroes were "replaced" with their Person of color counterparts... as we have come to call it, the Plessy V Ferguson heroes. This attempt to get new ( non white) readers interested in the books was met with massive white fan boy violence( well they beat the shit out of their keyboards, as least) and in some cases indifference by people of color over the titles. This tepid review of THAT reboot got Marvel to thinking very quick about returning the white dudes and Marvel Legacy gets us there. So even tho Iron Heart, Moon Girl, Sam Wilson Captain America, Lady Thor et al will still be around, they are definitely being placed in the background for their white counterparts.
Now this may seem like I am shitting on Legacy... I am not. I enjoyed the book but it really is just a "teaser trailer" as Brother Beavis called it. Yes, there is an underlying plot with the Celestials, but for the most part, the book is a check in/check out on our heroes. The Avengers founders- Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor are all in certain places up upheaval, Ghost Rider is fighting an unknown foe, and of course we check in with for no real reason at all other than putting him in the book. There is also a final page reveal of the potential return of the Fantastic Four and of course,
like modern comics, there is a surprise return of a thought dead character- spoiler pictured below
The book was well written, paced, and drawn and for me, at least, I think this reboot could mean something if Marvel wants it to mean something. We love our traditional heroes, even tho we also have love for their replacements. Both can co-exist without shitting on the other. If Marvel can commit to the books being there own thing- not just vehicles to move the narrative with Marvel Cinematic, they can create to genres that are both strong and thriving.
So this was a thumbs up for me. You can listen to the podcast in the link below and see what the rest of the crew thought!
The Producer
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Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Brother Beavis at Baltimore Comic Con
Brothascomics Baltimore Comic-Con Review
My first comic book convention was in Dayton, Ohio back in
my comic buying heyday. I don’t remember it having a fancy name or logo and I
don’t remember having to pay to get in. I do remember it being a complete
sausage fest with a bunch of comic book long boxes laid out on folding tables
in a crappy ballroom. I was there with a list of missing back issues, looking
through every one of those boxes hoping to fill in the gaps in my X Men
collection. I haven’t been to a lot of conventions since those days, but I know
comic book conventions have had a few upgrades since then.
My Baltimore convention experience is mostly as a spectator
of the now departed Otacon, which left for DC this year. We would camp out in
outdoor seating at one of the restaurants on Pratt Street – the main road
between the convention center and the Inner Harbor - and watch the spectacle
pass before us. In my crowd, I was the only one with any nerd cred, so I would
be identifying (some of) the costumes and everyone else would be not caring. It
was a lot of fun - after hearing one too many “these nerds/freaks” comments and
having one too many beers, I would usually start ranting and irrationally
criticizing my companions for their mainstream interests (“Why you drinking
that water, water nerd?”). Good times.
I’ve known there was a Baltimore Comic-Con, but I never knew
much about it. It’s always been on my, “Someday, I should …” list, and today
was finally the day. I donned my Brothascomics t-shirt, suited up my daughter
in her Batgirl gear and we hit the con with all the speed and endurance of a
7-year old girl – which is to say, not very fast and not for very long.
The Baltimore Convention center is pretty big, with a couple
different buildings spread out over a couple blocks. Once we got inside, we had
to go upstairs to register. I could have asked for directions at this point
from the many people helping out, but I chose to follow people who looked like
they knew where they were going. They didn’t. After actually reading the signs,
we found the exhibit floor a level down in the basement. The exhibit floor was
huge, with lots of vendors – way more than we could get to in the couple hours
we were there. We made a point to stop by the Third Eye Comics booth, which is
our local store in Annapolis. I was halfway motivated to look for a New Teen
Titans trade, but my long box rifling skills are nowhere near what they were
back in the day.
![]() |
I'm sure the Producer could find something in here |
Cosplay at the con was great.
I have tremendous respect for cosplayers and the amount of passion and energy
they put into their craft. As usual, there is that somebody you see right when
you get there that you don’t get a picture of and then never see again – this
time it was a dude in full Aqua-Bro cosplay. Looked great. I did get a picture
of Gambit, one of Brothascomics most loved and hated X Men, and a great Medusa.
Overall, my experience with Baltimore Comic-Con left me
wanting more. I could easily see making it a destination weekend. With all the
elements of comics, sci-fi and fantasy making it into the mainstream, these
conventions have changed – but Baltimore Comic-Con really did feel like an
event for comic book fans, and I was glad to be in the midst of it sharing the
experience with other fans – rather than just watching it go by on the street.
Cheers to Baltimore Comic-Con!!!
Brother Beavis
Contributor BrothasComics
Monday, September 18, 2017
Can We stop with Arnold Remakes
This wont come as a surprise to many, but I am not a real fan of the action movie-especially those made in the 80's and 90's. I have never seen a Rambo movie and many of the other action stars of that era, I passed over a lot of those, too. I saw the Die Hard 1 and 2, but after that I bailed on all of those. I never seen a Chuck Norris movie.... its just not my bag.
The ones I mostly did see were with Arnold Schwarzennegger; mostly because my college roommate, Jim loved the dude. As a body builder himself, he admired Arnold and he would make( force) me to watch Arnold movies... a lot. I have seen the Terminator so many times because of Jim! And I get the appeal of Arnold in the 80's and 90's. He was charming, built like a brick house, and his coming to America from Austria rags to riches story is appealing on many levels. So I sat through Predator with Jim( we even saw Predator in the theater), Running Man, True Lies, and of course Total Recall. And I cannot say I didn't enjoy the movies! They were fun, had action, and Total Recall is memorable for 3 things!
![]() |
was not gonna miss a chance to put this in article |
After college, I have not seen too many Arnold movies. I missed the Last Action Hero, Twins, and I think the only movie I saw with Arnold was Jingle All the Way! He went onto become the Governor of California and his movies, as profitable as they were in the 80's and 90's, have spawned these horrible remakes in the 2000's and continuation of franchises that shoulda died when he became governor.
But Hollywood would never let that happen. There have been numerous Predator movies, Terminator is still churning out sequels( with Arnold dropping in like Kendrick drops in on peoples tracks), there was an awful Total Recall remake as well. Now news dropped this week that there is a True Lies pilot in the works at Fox( see full article below)
True Lies to Pilot at Fox
Can we just move on from Arnold and his movies already? He and his movies almost seem like a relic of a past era. Those movies worked BECAUSE of Arnold and the era in which they were produced! Attempting to recreate that magic is not gonna work now and Arnold is way too old to have anything to do with these movies or shows that would be significant. And on top of that, these young kids today could give a damn about who Arnold is! And what they do know, is probably not all that positive!
So can we let this era die, please? I mean make Expendables movies over and over again. There is an audience for those older action stars and movies. I am sure my boy Jim has seen and loved all the Expendable movies. And I am sure if I were around, he woulda drug me to see all of them. But unless the 3 boobed lady showed up, I don't think I have any real interest!
The Producer
Is it worth a Redbox: The Big Sick
The Big Sick tells the mostly true life story of Kumal Nanjani and his wife Emily and how they actually met. Kumal is a Pakistani Muslim who came to the United States at 14 years old and hails from a traditional Pakistan family. His life in America has changed him tho and even tho he loves his family, he rejects much of the traditions of his culture- especially the one about arranged marriages.
Kumal is working as a stand up comedian in Chicago where one night he meets Emily, who heckles him from the audience. The couple meets, hooks up, and a relationship blossoms from that point. While they are dating, Kumal's mom is constantly bringing him to Sunday dinner to meet potential Pakistani wives for him to marry. All the while Kumal never tells Emily about this or brings him to meet his family. Kumal knows his family will reject him if he brings home a white girl. This all comes to a head and Kumal and Emily break up.
Shortly after their painful break-up, Emily gets sick and is forced to go into the hospital. Without spoiling too much, Emily's parents, played by Ray Romano and Holly Hunter, come to be with their very ill daughter and deal with Kumal who feels guilty and obligated to stay and help Emily recover.
I saw the trailers for this movie a while back and thought it looked interesting. The title and cover does not tell you much about the movie so I had no real idea what this movie was about. I found it very funny and heartfelt, tho and even tho I reject anything that has to do with Judd Apatow, director Michael Showalter allowed this story to flow in the 2 hours to a great conclusion. It helps that the movie was written by Kumal Nanjiani and allowed his family to be respected and not turned into racist caricatures. I appreciated that and could relate to them in a way that I did not expect.
Overall, a really good movie. Its definitely worth a Redbox rental!
The Producer
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Rotten Tomatoes Does not Affect Box Office
A study was done by some dude( you can read the article below) that basically said that negative ratings on sites like Rotten Tomatoes does not have a real affect on Box office! Some people like, Female Perspective and Big Hutch at Brothascomics, really give alot of weight to Rotten Tomatoes and the ratings that movies have. I have always taken these ratings with a grain of salt AND understand that the American movie goer LOVES CRAP! I mean LOVES IT.
Look, no matter what ranking or number a critic gives The Fast and the Furious or Transformers, or any other franchise movie, their fans are gonna see that movie. If they are truly entertained by that crap, they are gonna see that crap. In fact they will see it over and over and then purchase the Blue Ray. People like what they like and the words of a critic is not gonna dissuade them from liking or seeing that movie. Critic ratings may have a small affect on the average movie goer but even then, I have never heard a random person say they did not see a movie because of the ratings on Rotten Tomatoes!
So if you like that shit, like that shit! Just don't try and convince me that Batman V Superman was a good movie or it was "misunderstood"! That movie was shit and I didn't need a critic to tell me!
Full Link to Article
Rotten Tomatoes has no affect on Box Office
The Producer
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JJ Abrams Back for Star Wars
News broke over the past few days that director, Colin Trevorrow, was out of directing Star Wars IX and now director of Episode VII, JJ Abrams will be back in the directors chair to end the trilogy he began with the Force Awakens.
This news was met with great enthusiasm by many Star Wars fans and some skepticism by some #DamnDisney people as this is another highly visible director change following the removal of Josh Trank from an untitled Star Wars movie and the removal of tandem directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller from the untitled Han Solo movie.
I am not sure why the change of directors bothers people before a movie goes into production. Whether its creative differences, changes in schedules, whatever... before the movie goes into production, I do not see the big deal. Now after the movie is being shot, a change in director is a huge deal. Often merging two competing thoughts and ideas into one movie can create a messy, unfocused picture. Hopefully it works out well!
Any director who gets into bed with the House of Mouse should already know their creative juices and energy may be curtailed by the Mouse! You either check your ego and roll with the flow, or find yourself in Directors Jail waiting for your next big break! Either way, just don't kill Finn and let him get the girl. Pretty much if those two things happen, I'll be ok no matter who directs!
Full Story at Variety
JJ Abrams is Back
The Producer
Jean Grey Returns
If you have been around here for a while, you know I have a major weakness for redheaded comic books characters. From Mary Jane to Cherly Blossom, I cannot get enough of the Gingers. So it would come as no surprise that I am a huge of fan of Jean Grey/Marvel Girl/Phoenix/Dark Phoenix.
Since she "died" in X-Men 137 and through her various resurrections and teased ressurections to all of her dopplegangers from Madelyne Pryor to Hope Summers, and Rachel Grey- I am just a huge fan of the character.
With her younger self now running around in a fairly entertianing solo book and leading X-Men Blue, I kinda had a thought that Marvel would consider bringing back OG Jean. Just when things are going well for time displaced Jean, of course OG Jean would make a return.
Well news broke this week that Jean Grey is on her way back in an event in December called, naturally Phoenix Ressurection. And I may be the only person at brothascomics who is ok with this. I have always felt that Jean shoulda never died and the creators at the time painted themselves into a corner by making Jean/Phoenix so powerful. Its why they keep coming back to Phoenix and all the sorta Jean Grey characters. They are all just copies of the origial so lets bring Jean back.
The only reservation I have is that this will be short lived and they will just "kill" her again. I do kinda worry that her rebirth will lead to a return of OG Scott Summers- who needs to stay dead forever! But thats another post.
Check the full article at SyFy
Return of OG Jean Grey
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Disney aint calling Stan Lee
I love Stan Lee. Love HIM! He was really like my Father growing up because mine was not really around. I spent more time reading the words created by Stan Lee than those who were inspired by Jesus. I truly adore this man and what he as done in the world of comics.
News dropped this week where Stan Lee stated that Marvel is working on trying to get the rights back from Fox for X-Men and Fantastic Four. These two properties would complete Marvel/Disney universe and fans could get so many of the team-ups and crossovers that we grew up reading. It seems like a no-brainer- except for the billions of dollars involved. Fox is in no hurry to give these properties up and Marvel/Disney is in no hurry to pay them the billions to get them back. Its comic book game of Chicken seeing who will blink first.
Here is what I do know... at no point in these conversations between these two media conglmorates did they call Stan Lee and let him know what was happening. I am sure the revere them man who has helped line their pockets with money, but like the Queen of England, Stan is just a figure head at this point with no real power. Just keep making them cameos and fly the flag but Stan is not in the board meetings anymore.
I'd love it if this happened. Fantastic Four and X-Men need to be under the Disney/Marvel banner! But I don't see it happening anytime soon.
Full article from our friends at Geeks of Color( hey Dorian)
Marvel working to get Fox Properties according to Stan Lee
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