I finally got Tickets to Comic Con in San Diego, California. This was on my Bucket List and it looks like it will be getting lined out in 100 days. I received my registration email last Wednesday, like I always have for the past 8 years. I only log on twice a year- Once because I forgot my password from the year before ,and the 60 minutes of the Blue Circle of Dream Crush ,(BCoDC) in the waiting room .
On Saturday, April 8, I woke up at 4:30 am ET. Then I started the process of setting up my 5 year old , 1.0 GB RAM Toshiba Satellite laptop to jockey for a position in the BCoDC. Forums I reviewed stated to try on a Desktop with a LAN Connection to ensure your WIFI doesn't tip. I was going to buy a desktop, but I'm Cheap !!!! I defrag'd my hard drives 530 GBs and dumped my cookies. It was only 5:10 am ET
Cut to 11:09 am ET
I logged into the SDComiccon.com website. The first Banner as in Yellow saying " You're really early." Last year I logged in at 11:00 am ET while playing Pathfinder at my friends house and got the BOZAK !! This is my log of the events this year :
11:10am- 11:59am The Room MOD made jokes about Wookies, Archer, Power Rangers, and the Vision.
you also saw this
12:00 pm - The Herding started. There must have been 50K in that room
12:04 pm - Still spinning. Friend in Nevada said I could stay with him --- it's only 5 hrs away !!!!
12:06 pm - Nothing. Glad I played Georgia Lottery earlier .
Message reads "Badge Inventory being monitored "
12:08 pm Thoughts of HBO Show Silicon Valley go through my head--Great Show
12:09 pm ---Feeling like Charlie Brown. I wonder how many badges have gone ? Hotel Room, Food ?,Travel,Time off Work?... #Bucket List
Pulled out Discover card. Hope it pays . started drinking Stella Artois
12:13 pm ---BCoDC still spinning not looking good. Only want weekend or nothing....
12:19 pm --- Banner reads Preview Night Wednesday Running Low -- Fuck !!
one beer down
12:20 pm --- Fuck Another Beer
12:24 pm Still spinning
12:25 pm Feel like Charlie from the Chocolate Factory . Hate rich kids
12:27 pm -- Preview Night is Sold Out
12:30 pm --Missing GA Lottery
12:35 pm -- Not looking great
12:38 pm -- Starting to get tired. walked away
12:39 pm -- Saturday Badge Inventory Low- fuck
12:40 pm - Yellow Banner Reads " If you are using a Tablet or phone, your basically Fucked. " (It didn't read that, but that's what it meant !)
12:41 pm - And Lucy has that look in her eyes
12:43 pm -- Banner reads Saturday Badges are gone # Bengals in Playoffs under Marvin Lewis 0-7
12: 45 pm -- The BCoDC stops spinning and I get a page I've never seen before ...
Congrats you have been randomly selected to get tickets .

12:51 pm - I bought a Thursday, Friday and Sunday Badge = $160.00. They don't take Discover #Shit
12:52 pm - I' m going to Comic Con ... More to come
Big Hutch
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