Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Podcast 65
Podcast 65 for BrothasComics has the full crew... we say RIP to Prodigy from Mobb Deep. In the Box Office report, we run Jada Pinkett Smith for trying to ruin TuPac movie. We give a quick Cars 3 review, and discuss the awfulness that is the Transformers franchise. In Blerd Notes,We talk the drama surrounding the Han Solo movie, the Avatar sequels, and if DC should be making 3-4 per movies per year. We also talk Comic Cons and have a frank discussion on how we got passed over from covering San Diego Comic Con and the inconsistency of Press Coverage for Cons. We also give STFU's to Johnny Depp, that cop that killed Philando Castille, and of course Hines Ward. Fun listen with Big Hutch, Female Perspective, The Sandman, Brother Beavis, and The Producer!
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The Producer
Podcast 64
Podcast 64 for Brothascomics says RIP to the Original Batman Adam West and the Educated rapper from UTFO. In Blerd Notes we discuss the potential success of the TuPac Biopic, adding Jessica Chastain to the X-movies, and our Blerd glee of seeing that Black Panther Trailer. Also we give out STFU's to Katy Perry, Twitter for banning the Producer, and fools who pay $100 to see Mayweather and McGregor Great listen with Big Hutch, The Female Perspective, Sandman, and the Producer!
Podcast can be found on SoundCloud, ITunes, and Stitcher. Be sure to subscribe, rate, and review!
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Jean Grey Review
As part of the X-Men relaunch( Resurrxion), new books have been coming out over the past few weeks after the kick off with X-Men Blue and X-Men Gold. One of the books is Jean Grey getting her first solo title. Now, if you have been away from the X-Books for a while, you might be thinking, " I thought Jean Grey was dead". And you would not be totally wrong about that.
A few years ago, the X-Books time shifted the Original( to be referred to as OG moving forward) X-Men team( minus Professor X) to the current continuity, The reasoning behind this is pure "Because Comics" stuff and I wont bore you with the details. The OG X-Men are the team that comprises X-Men Blue and the leader of that team is Jean Grey.
Now this Jean Grey is still a level 5 mutant with telekinesis and telepathy powers, but she is unburdened with the guilt of the Phoenix and she would obviously like to keep it that way.
The Book is written by Dennis Hopeless( more on that later) and drawn by Victor Ibanez. Overall the first issue is ok, but as you can tell from the cover, the X-Books cannot help themselves when dealing with Jean Grey and the Phoenix. A good portion of Issue 1 covers the history of "that" Jean Grey and her inevitable turn from force of good to Dark Phoenix to her death and multiple Resurrxion.
The B plot of the book is "this" Jean Grey is that she is in Kyoto with her sidekick(?) Pickles, a teleporting Bamf. Why is not altogether clear... While in Kyoto for brunch, a certain awful team of Marvel villains is there committing a bank robbery. When Marvel needs a team of bad guys to look good and threatening but still take a fat L, they call the Wrecking Crew. And true to form, the look good getting beat up by a teenager. This is not taking away from Jean Grey. Jean Grey should be able to beat down the Wrecking Crew and a host of other villains because of her power set. Its just... its the Wrecking Crew, man. They ain't beat nobody up since the Reagan administration.
Even though she is kicking Wrecking Crew ass, she did summon the rest of the OG X-Men. While waiting for the team, unsurprisingly, we get the Phoenix effect and its ready to claim this Jean Grey as she claimed the other. Naturally, no one else can see the Phoenix effect and this freaks Jean out even more!
If you have listened to any of our Thursday Night Comic Book Chats( links below), you know that we loved the Phoenix Saga, but have been super hesitant to embrace other resurrections of the Phoenix. The character has proven to be either too powerful or to evil and this always ends in jean dying or some characters being corrupted in a way. Jean Grey issue 1 and issue 2 move straight to Phoenix and Jean conflict right away and issue 2 even brings in other characters( Rachel, Hope, Colossus, etc) to interact with Jean about their experience with the Phoenix. Phoenix has become the boogie man of the X-Men.
And I guess that is fine. I am sure they think or believe that Phoenix sells books. But with this new teenage Jean, who is free of that burden, why not explore her life outside of Phoenix. Her position as leader of the X-Men, her life as a teenage girl with Omega Level Powers, her relationships outside of the team, etc. These are all emotionally rich topics to explore outside of her being Phoenix and beating up the Wrecking Crew!
Overall, the book is fine enough for a debut. I truly have no idea why a man is writing this book tho. Teenage girl with powers to me does not scream, "Lets get a dude to write it". But, as always, white editors and decision makers at Marvel have the amazing mutant power of defaulting to white dudeness. When given the chance to put a female character in the competent hands of a female writer, Marvel balked and went with Hopeless which may be the most Freudian description of Marvel diversity ever.
The Producer
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Saturday, June 24, 2017
Icemans Not Allowed to Code Switch
Let me first fully acknowledge up front that I may be overreacting about this and there are more important things going on in the world right now. The President of the United States is a moron, Russians are interfering in our democracy, Republicans are stealing the healthcare from millions of Americans, Bill Cosby just got away with rape, and Philando Castille was murdered in cold blood and the police officer was acquitted. Again, real life problems happening in the world today!
However, that does not mean that I, and others like me, can't have concern about multiple levels of problematic shit. And on the scale of 1-10, this barely makes a blip. But this does not mean that this small problem is not symptomatic of a much larger problem.
Iceman has been pushed towards the front of comic news for a few months now. His coming out as Gay was a huge moment for comic book history and then he was given his own solo book, written by Sina Grace, the first time an openly gay character had a monthly comic with the Big Two comic companies.
I am just catching up on the book to do a review for brothascomics.com. I read the first issue and it was fine enough for a debut. It was well written and had humor, heart, and action. The writer is skilled enough and crafted a first issue built around a character that has a long and now interesting and unique story moving forward.
I went on to read Issue 2 and the book brought in Kitty Pryde- which for me, is a net loss because I am not a fan of Kitty Pryde. However, it did make sense for Kitty to be in Iceman's book. Kitty and Bobby had a long term relationship in the comic and with him now being Gay, I am sure that affects Kitty on an emotional level. Of course, Kitty being the selfish character that she is, centers Bobby being Gay around her, but that's a different post.
Playing out how they interact with one another now that he is out and she is back leading the X-Men is an interesting take on relationships between adults. I felt Sina was handling this deftly as Kitty and Bobby share their emotions on how to move forward. On top of that, Comic book things are happening in the comic book surrounding rescuing a young mutant whose powers have just manifested. However, there is a throw away line at the end of a transition in the book where Ice-Man says, " Ninja please" to Kitty in response to if Bobby can fight off the bad guys!
It struck me right away- Ninja Please! Ninja Please is something I been saying for years. Its a Code Switch term for Nigga Please- something I, and others, will use when non-Black people are around. In my age bracket, we always Code Switch when in Mixed Company( non black people company). Switching to Ninja allows us to make the same point without making white people feel uncomfortable or giving white people a chance to feel like they can say Nigga. Ninja Please is also used by Black people who are not comfortable saying the word, Nigga-but the point is all the same. Ninja Please is a play on Nigga Please and white people shouldn't be saying it or playing with it. Period.
It makes me wonder, what was Sina thinking by sliding that term in there. He has clearly head Black people use it before and for some reason felt that he could use it. He even attempts to cover it up right away in the book, by having Bobby say "Well, that actually works". The implication being that since Kitty is a "Ninja" it's ok for him to make the Ninja Please reference( its not). And on aside, this Kitty is a Ninja is a little revisionist comic book history. During the Kitty Pryde and Wolverine mini-series, Kitty was possessed by Ogun and had Ninja powers because of the possession. Once Ogun was removed, she was no longer a Ninja. Later Wolverine trained her in Bushido after the possession- but Kitty being an actual a ninja is a farce.
But alas, the issue here is really the comodification of Nigga by white people and their desire to say it. This has been a present issue for years in modern culture as African-American music and culture has become mainstream. White kids have grown up hearing the word on the regular and the racial emphasis of the word has been lost. There is also a generation of Black kids who don't understand that using that word in mixed company emboldens white people and other non Black people to use the word. This idea that this person is "down" or this person "gets a pass" is bullshit. This is why Bill Maher and the like feel they can say nigga without consequence. Let me be clear and for all the people in the back- THERE IS NO TIME when a non-Black person should use the word Nigga. Ever. That also includes modifications of the word and sentiments such as Ninja Please, This Ninja is Crazy, and Fuck these Ninjas. These are ALL of limits to non-Black people.
Marvel, DC, et al need to do better. Its obvious Sina slid that in there thinking no one would either notice or care. Well I noticed and I care! If there was a Black person editing this book, the note woulda been swift to remove this line. Its not appropriate and not needed! When people of color are left out of the creative process, these little micro aggressions happen. Disappointing but not surprising and my continued hope is they will all do better.
The Producer
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Wednesday, June 14, 2017
MegaCon Review
A couple of weeks ago, the kids and I packed into the mini van and headed two hours up the Florida Turnpike to attend MegaCon/MegaConvention in Orlando for the first time. The folks at MegaCon were kind enough to grant us a press pass, so we wanted to drop this review of the con for our readers! The mission of brothascomics is to bring you convention coverage for people who have not attended cons before or who have trepidation about doing so. In the past, conventions have not been the most friendly to people of color. We aim to help ease those fears by reviewing the con experience and by encouraging people to attend
The Badge Process
If you have read our reviews before, you know the one thing that can sink the boat of a con goer is the badge process. Often times, the process is so lengthy and tedious, it takes away any excitement you may have had attending the con. We were fortunate to have Press passes and that process was super smooth. On Friday, the badge process looked to be pretty smooth. MegaCon does an outstanding job of making sure attendees know they can pick their badges up early and many fans did that- especially those holding VIP passes. This was essential, especially on Saturday, the largest and busiest day of the con. When we walked in, the lines to enter were massive- this was about 45 minutes before they even opened the doors. It seemed to go smooth tho and you did not hear anyone complaining about picking up their badges. But as a word of advice, ALWAYS PICK UP YOUR BADGE EARLY!
These people already picked up their badges! |
Con Size
MegaCon is the largest Con on Florida! It was estimated they did over 100,000 attendees this year and I would imagine that number is going to continue to grow in the future. With that said, if you are not someone who is into huge crowds and lines, maybe start at a smaller convention and work your way up to MegaCon. The organizers of the event have it down to a science, tho from the parking to entrances, panels, and events. The.... has all the events set up and organized for you and its very easy to get around the convention center. The MegaCon app was also a convenient way for you to keep up with all the happenings inside and outside the main hall. Now the convention center is huge. Bring you most comfortable pair of shoes, some snacks, and your money( more on that below).
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Crowd lined up and moving about the Convention Center |
Brothascomics contributor the Sandman( @sandman415) joined me on Saturday and we jokingly began to refer to MegaCon as VendorCon. That was not an insult! If there is any genre you are into in the world of comics, sci-fi, anime, video games, etc- you will find it at MegaCon. Vendors were throughout the main hall and if you couldn't find what you wanted there, then it probably did not exist. The numerous vendors, on top of the guest list made for some tight spaces on Saturday as the con became more crowded in the afternoon. But there was plenty of space to get around and still shop for whatever you were looking for. Again, bring your checkbook, cash, and credit cards( especially cash). When you are at a huge con like this, you are going to find something you want and buy it. And you need to buy it when you see it. if you wait to come back and pick it up, it will be gone and you will be cursing yourself forever. Cash is preferred when dealing with vendors and ATM were on site but there was a massive ATM fee so come prepared with your money!
Guest List
The guest list at MegaCon was top notch! MegaCon had stars from television and movies, as well as multiple stars in the field of comic books. The TV/Movie stars were set up in a section of the convention center to accommodate the long lines. Stars from Buffy, Rocky Horror Picture Show, the Flash, and countless other movies and tv shows were on hand. On top of that, top voice talent from cartoons and video games were also on site. Again, there was gonna be something or someone at MegaCon that will hold your interest! Truly an outstanding guest list. The biggest guest on that list was Stan Lee. Stan Lee was so popular he had his own section in the con for people to meet/greet and get things signed. I had hoped to get pictures with Stan Lee and some of my other favs but time and money did not allow for much of that. Whereas the movie/tv stars may not have been as accessible, the comic book artists and writers were. Meeting/talking to the likes of Dan Parent and Stanford Greene was easy and awesome to get books signed by these creators. Plus there were plenty of independent creators on the floor, as well if you are looking for books off the beaten path. A great mix of both were on the floor for fans!
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Me and Archie writer/artist Dan Parent |
I was most excited to see/meet X-Men writer/legend Chris Claremont. I was able to get a picture with him and attend his panel on the X-Men. We were also able to attend the panel for Famke Jansen as she talked X-Men and her many other film and tv projects.
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I kinda wished I coulda took same picture with Famke |
We always look to spotlight Cosplayers of color at conventions and MegaCon did not let us down. #wehere
Follow the link for more cosplay @Megcon
CosPlay at MegaCon Orlando
We truly appreciate all the fans and their cosplay and the dedication that goes into it! MegaCon had some of the best Cosplay we have seen in our many years of covering Cons. People went all out with the conventional heroes, but also many non traditional and innovative costumes. Great job by all!
Family Friendly
All cons are not family friendly. Whether its the cosplay or the content, you need to be sure before you walk into a convention center with your younger kids. MegaCon is truly kid friendly. From the price for kids to enter($10 for the weekend) and to the attitude and behaviors of the fans. You can feel comfortable bring your kids to this event. At night, there are some non kid friendly events, but those are clearly marked for 18 and older! No alcohol is sold on the site of the convention which also contributes to the save atmosphere of the convention.
I am so grateful to the people of MegaCon for allowing brothascomics to cover this event. This is our second MegaCon event(we covered Tampa this past October). The event staff and the crew were amazing, as well the communication staff. We highly recommend this Con if you live anywhere, but especially in the Southeast portions of the United States! Great time, great guests, great experience!
I cannot wait until MegaCon Tampa in October!
Media from the Event
Interview with Dan Parent
Interview with Stanford Greene
Brothascomics Podcast @Megacon
Famke Jansen talks X-Men
Chris Claremont talks Punk Rock Storm
The Producer
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Wonder Woman Review
It has taken me a while to get to this Wonder Woman review. I saw the movie the Friday that it opened over two weeks ago and honestly I think I am actually still processing if the movie was any good or not. I left the theater thinking, well that was pretty good. It was certainly better than all the offerings DCEU has put out thus far, but that does not mean the movie was good. It just means its not as bad as its predecessors.
** Be careful, spoilers ahead**
Wonder Woman starts on the island of Themyscira. We meet a very young Diana on the islands with Amazons galore. You see them training and fighting to be the fiercest warriors and Diane longs to be a part of that, but her mom is not having it. Many words, debates, and arguments have been made of the diversity on the island. I feel it was a missed opportunity for the film to highlight women of color on the island- especially Nubia who holds such a pivotal part of the Wonder Woman mythos. Alas, that passed and really, outside of her mom and Antiope, there is very little dialogue given to the inhabitants of the island.
Of course, Diana grows up, begins to train, and the island becomes sullied by men as Steve Trevor winds up leading the Germans from World War into .... through a slip in the time stream I guess. We get the battle on the island between the Amazonian's and the Germans with .... taking the death nap which leads to Diana having to go back with Steve to search for Ares, the God of War who they believe is behind all this.
The chemistry between Steve Trevor and Diana is one of the best parts of the movie, but I kept thinking as the movie continued on that Steve Trevor was in the movie way too much. yes, Diana needs/wants to learn the ways of this world and her compassion for the humans is essentially to her character development. But it also seemed forced. It felt like executives at Warner Brothers were really scared that if a white man was not prominent in this movie, white men would not see the movie which would hurt their bottom line. I reject this notion wholeheartedly. The movie needed to focus on Diana and Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor and his band of merry misfits were truly unnecessary to the movie.
Our story continues on in the search for Ares. The No Mans Land fight scene is one of the greatest things filmed and shot for comic book movies. It truly showed her strenght and compassion all in one and showed the character is a true bad ass. But much of the movie after that is really kind of a boring let down. There are several direct lifts of shots from Captain America: First Avenger throughout the movie. There is a subplot of the German scientist creating a deadly chemical weapon to strike against the allies, Steve is riding a motorcycle in the battlefield, his group of merry men is very similar to the Howling Commando's. Again, moments of placing men in the movie to show their fearlessness when the movie is about Wonder Woman.
As awesome as the No Man's Land Scene was, the final boss battle between Wonder Woman and Ares is equally awful. The fight scene is rushed and seemed to be put together at the last moment and it did nothing to elevate Wonder Woman or Ares as characters.
So the movie ends kinda on that downer, but leaves you as the viewer in a hopeful place moving forward. The movie has been crazy successful in making money and the sequel has already been green lighted with director Patty Jenkins back in the chair. I am totally behind more female heroes and female writers and directors working on these movies. Eve tho I have my concerns about the quality of this particular movie, it should not hinder the progress of more female heroes- especially female heroes of color from getting their own movie and chance to shine.
Overall, I give the movie 3/5 stars. Its good, not great. I think I put on Twitter that the movie was aiiiiiiight( Black folks know how to pronounce this and what it means). Hopefully some of this positive momentum carries over to Justice League but I'm not holding my breath on that one.
The Producer
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Is it worth a Redbox: Central Intelligence
If you are a listener to our podcast of follow us on any social media( and if you are not, why aren't you?), you know that I am a huge fan of the Rock- as a wrestler, not so much as a movie star. I am not a fan of Kevin Hart at all and truly do not get the phenomena on how or why he is so popular. So putting these two in a movie together was already a long shot for me to see it and now that I have, I know exactly why it took me so long to watch this movie.
Kevin Hart stars as the "Golden Jet" a kid in high school who essentially had it all- good looks, athletics, and the best looking girl in school. He truly was worshipped by the school body- including by a fat kid, played by the Rock and massive CGI. An embarrassing event at a high school pep rally allows them to cross paths for the 1st time and one act of kindness by the "Golden Jet" lasts for over 20 years as their high school reunion approaches.
Because now, Kevin Hart is not beloved by all. He is an accountant, working at a job that he could give a shit about( I can relate). His wife is the "star" now and is a partner in her law firm. While Kevin Hart wrestlers with what happened to his life, a Facebook friend request allows him to reconnect with the fat kid he protected at the pep rally. Enter the Rock- no longer fat but also a secret CIA agent who is on the run from agents who think he has gone rogue selling secrets of some sort.
The plot is as small as Kevin Hart and the Rock plays his characters as some version of an idiot savant who has muscles and a weird obsession with Kevin Hart's character. The jokes are bland and often times obvious and the action is pretty much 80's action mixed in with jokes aimed at teenagers- even tho the movie is Rated R
If you like the Rock , the actor, and you like Kevin Hart, you will like this movie. It gives each a chance to shine and do the things they are both good at. Each of these guys are great at making successful movies that make a shit ton of money. But that doesn't mean that the movies are any good. So is it worth a Redbox... to me the answer is NO. Save your $1.50 and pick up something else.
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Is it worth a RedBox: Nine Lives
The short answer to is this movie worth a Redbox is NO. I am not sure how many extra words I need to write to let you know why its a NO, but no matter what- when you get to the end of this review, the answer will be NO. Feel free to donate that $1.50 to brothascomics if you really feeling the need to spend it.
Kevin Spacey plays a New York executive who is rich beyond measure and twice as busy. His family is completely ignored( his wife is played by Jennifer Garner) because nothing matters to him more than being rich and famous and the King of New York.
His daughter has a birthday coming and in the past, he has missed several of her birthdays because of work. Her desire for many years was to get a cat for a present and this is the year that is going to happen. Of course, shenanigans ensue when he buys the cat from Christopher Walkens character, gets struck by lighting, and winds up in the body of the cat. There is also the wicked ex wife, the mean girl/bully, and Mark Conseulos. I mean, that should be more than enough to have you push next on the RedBox screen.
Every tired cat joke and trope is rolled out as Kevin Spacey the cat eventually realizes that money and fame wont make him happy- only his family will. There are plenty of pratt falls and overacting to last a lifetime in this movie and its really just sad and makes me wonder how many Brink trucks of money did they have to drop off at Mr. Spacey's house to get him to do this movie.
Its only plus is that its geared towards kids and in the summer, you may be struggling to find an appropriate movie the entire family can watch. In that case, I would totally understand why a family would rent this. Beyond that, its terrible and truly a waste of the talents of the actors involved.
The Producer
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Monday, June 5, 2017
Trailers before Wonder Woman
Whenever I go to the movies, I am always interested in what movies are coming out. We now see trailers on our phone or tablets, but there is nothing like getting hyped for a movie coming soon and seeing it on the big screen.
I saw Wonder Woman on Saturday at a Regal Cinema in my hometown and more than anything, I was surprised at the tone of the trailers before a superhero movie. I am sitting there with my 12 year old son and 10 year old daughter thinking we would get Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer, Justice League, and maybe Thor. Those movies fit the tone of the feature and Justice League is being made by the same studio. I was wrong! So wrong. What they proceed to give us was a bunch of horror/action/drama trailers that kinda put me in the wrong head space before Wonder Woman. Here they are in no particular order:
The Mummy
The Tom Cruise remake and the hopes of Universal to start their "Monster Movie" series looks like Mission Impossible meets the Mummy. The fact that somehow, someway, Tom Cruise gets superpowers in this to fight the Mummy is just dumb. The actresss playing The Mummy is beautiful, tho. For me, I aint fucked with Tom Cruise since long before he committed career suicide by jumping on Oprah's couch so there is no way I am seeing this crap!
Transformers: First Knight
Marky Mark is back and this time, the franchise looks like it brought along Power Pack( google it) to fight against whatever global threats the robots in disguise have brought. Insight into the Producer, I was a huge Transformers fan as a kid and if you ever meet me in person, ask me about the time I got trampled at a store at Christmas trying to buy Transformers( cool storym, bro). I saw the first Transformers movie with kid like excitement and it was just, meh to me. I saw the 2nd one, and was like this shit is straight up racist and I have not been back since. You can lose me for this franchise forver and pretty much anything by the director who shall not be named. Hardest pass
If you have followed me on this blog and/or podcast, you will know two things I am tired of seeing in movies: 1 is slave narratives and the other is WW2, greatest generation movies. I am over it. These movies eventually settle on a philosophy that anything great in this country was done by white men and, I'm sorry, but fuck you! I do not worship at the feet on Nolan, either so this movie has two big strikes against it for me. Pass!
Atomic Blonde
I had been seeing promoted stuff on Twitter about this movie and really had no idea what it was about other than it starred Charlize Theron. The movie actually looks kinda interesting. It definitely fit the theme heading into Wonder Woman. Of course it gave off a Salt like vibe- a movie that is not very good by the way. But I am all for women kicking ass and I am a Charlize stan! I would actually pay money to watch this!
When the trailer ran a caption that said from the producer of Independence Day, I was already done with this shit! They just made a version of this movie with the Day After Tomorrow. Hell, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs just did this, essentially. Look, summer movies are not winning Oscars, but we have seen the world get destroyed by weather before only to be miraculously saved by a white man who was responsible for it anyway.... so many NO'S!!!!!
The Mountain Between Us
The lady I was with to see Wonder Woman is going to make me see this movie. The joke is on her, tho because I wanted to see the movie anyway. Idris and Cate... shit, Ima see it opening night. From the trailer, tho, it looks like they not gonna hook up which is the only drawback I am concerned with. All kinds of Thumbs up!
47 Meters Down
Last summer, they gave us a movie about a lady ( white) terrorized by sharks, and 2017 was like, " Hold my Beer!". This time, two white ladies are someplace they shouldn't be, and wound up stuck in the ocean where they are being terrorized by sharks. Cool story about the Producer: Part 2: I don't fuck with sharks. I have only seen bits and pieces of Jaws and was totally convinced sharks was in my bathtub after my mom ran the water. This is a pass for me- even tho I love Many Moore!
So seven trailers, and maybe I would see two of the movies. I kinda wish Hollywood would come up with new and original ideas, but clearly they don't think we, the movie going public, would support new and fresh content so they just keep rehashing or remaking movies from the past. It is what it is! See you next summer for the remake of Twister!
The Producer
Podcast 63: Wonder Woman Review
BrothasComics gives their Wonder Woman review this week. We also look at the rest of the box office, talk New Mutants and Gamibt movie news, and what other female heroes should get a movie. Plus, we hand out STFU's to Jason Fatlock, Bill Maher, and a few others. Fun listen with Big Hutch, Female Perspective, and The Sandman.
Podcast 63: Wonder Woman
Podcast also on ITunes and Stitcher. Search @brothascomics,. Subscribe and review and share podcast with friends!
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Friday, June 2, 2017
The Mutant Massacre Podcast
This week on the Thursday Night Comic Book Chat we talk the Mutant Massacre.
Check the podcast on Soundcloud below or search ITunes and Stitcher for @brothascomics
Mutant Massacre Podcast
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