Saturday, September 9, 2023

DragonCon Day 1


For the 5th year in a row, the team from Brothascomics was blessed to media cover the event.  This year, I was able to add my daughter to the team to help get interviews and help coordinate the coverage.  We live in Florida so we made the 7 hour trip up the ATL on Thursday night and went to pick up badges Friday morning.  For those who have never been, badge pick up can be a process and even on an Early Friday morning, the line was long but we were able to meet some cool cosplays while in line. The line processed quickly once they opened and we were able to get our badges and head out on our adventure.

Now for new Dragoncon attendees, you really need to have a plan on what you are going to do and when you are going to do it.  Thursday and Friday's are always the best days to head to America's Mart.  This is where you can get all your DragonCon swag from all the vendors and buy and meet the creators of your favorite comics.  Waiting to do America's Mart on Saturday is a rookie mistake as- even on Friday there is a long line to get into the mall.  But once in there are 5 floors of vendors, creators, food, and all kinds of fun!

If you are headed to DragonCon for multiple days and want to meet the Celebrities, the day that most our there is Saturday; however, Saturday is super crowded.  I also recommend going to the parade- even if you are skipping the con.  Its family friendly and so much fun.  This year I streamed most of the parade before we headed off to meet some of the famous folks!

So the Hall of Heroes and remember, getting around can be tough- especially on Saturday.  Take your time, you will get there.  And stop off and get awesome pics of the cosplayers on the way!

This year we were also fortunate to get interview time with Cooper Andrews- star of Shazam.  He was great and very funny.  This was during the writers strike tho so he was not talking specifically about things he has worked on but it was still a great experience for me and my daughter!

With my daughter being older now, we could hang a little bit longer at the con.  We stayed into the afternoon and into the party time at DragonCon.  People were having a great time with food and drink and the dance party was legit epic!!

And sadly that was our time at DragonCon 2023.  Had to make our way back to Florida on Sunday.  I have made hotel reservations for year 6 and staying closer to the action will make our time there even more epic!! See you next year!

The Producer

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